Medical Records:
$40.00 Per Provider plus Provider Fees

Social Security Records:
$22.00 plus Office of Social Security Fees

Union Records:
$33.00 plus Union Hall Fees

Pharmaceutical Histories:
$40 plus Pharmacy Fees

Medline Research:
$32.00/hour plus literature fees

Medical Summarizing:
Performed by Physician:

Medical Summarizing:
Performed by Nurse/Medical Paralegal (supervised by in house physician):

8 cent per page fee applies for any Bates stamping (paginating) and/or Binding; 12 cent per page fee applies for Bates stamping (paginating), binding and placing records in chronological order;

Call for additional information regarding fees.

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Medical Records Retrieval, L.L.C.
P.O. Box 714
Campobello, SC 29322

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Lade's Internet Service, Inc.