American Red Cross of Lee County

Armed Forces Emergency Services

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Armed Forces Emergency Services

Today's American Red Cross is keeping pace with the changing military. Featuring the latest in computer and telecommunications technology, the American Red Cross Emergency Service Center delivers around-the-clock emergency communication services to active duty military personnel, and to their families.

Spotlighted Features

"American Red Cross Workers Serve Alongside Our Military

While serving 1.4 million active duty personnel, the Red Cross Get To Know Us Before You Need Us campaign reaches out to an additional 1.5 million members of the National Guard and the Reserves living in almost every neighborhood in America.

American Red Cross Emergency Services are available to all members of the armed services, and to their families. Both active duty and community-based military can count on the Red Cross to provide emergency communications, emergency financial assistance, counseling, veterans assistance and aid in the field where Red Cross workers are deployed to serve with America's military.

For more information, please call (239) 278-3401.

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