Setting up your InternetServices

Making and publishing your homepage

How to connect to the internet using:

         Web Tv

       . Web TV setup instructions

       . Web TV plus


        .  Saga Dream cast Setup

         Email Set-up:

         How to make and publish your web page

         .Cute FTP


          .Bulletproof FTP - *tutorial coming soon*

          .Fetch (Popular Macintosh FTP utility)

          HTML Editors

Listed here are the most common HTML editors and links to get started in using these products.

           Microsoft FrontPage 2000

           Adobe Pagemill

           Macromedia Dreamweaver


           BBEdit (Popular Macintosh editor)



TC/IP Settings
  • Use Server assigned IP Address
  • Use IP Header Compression
  • Use Default Gateway

Dns Servers

  • Primary =
  • Secondary =
Bowser Upgrades: