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The California Kid & the Croquet Peacock Win Useppa’s 2008 Beach Croquet Tournament
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Story by UseppaGin
Pics by UseppaGin & Scott Carlson

Thirty-two players, sixteen teams played on the beach for Useppa’s Nine Wicket Championship. When it was all over and the sand finally settled, Tor Carlson and Karen Albert defeated Linda O’Connell and Craig Ligibel to be the 2009 Champs.

Brian and Mary McColgan along with Dave and Winky Merrill ran the event. It was cool on the beach under an overcast sky when the day began, but hot coffee, juice, and a buffet breakfast smoothed the transition from bed to play. Eight courts on the beach offered ample chances for missed shots and a few heroic surprises. Because of his long experience with the stock market, finance guru Paul Miller was drafted by the committee to keep track of the day’s wins and losses.

Irish shmoozer Dan O’Connell, a long-time six wicket player paired up with croquet novice Pat Lehman to win a quadrant. Dapper Tim Sear and UseppaGin made three losses and only one win seem like fun. Mary McColgan and Kids Golf Croquet player Eddie Soriero won their quadrant. Sue Williams said she presented a challenge for her partner Steve Kaufman, but they too won a quadrant. New to croquet but a champion sailor, Sherry Welch and one of the Miller clan, Ryan Merrill cheerfully took on all competition, but reading the sand proved harder than reading the wind. Winky Merrill and Ed Soriero played together, and as the old adage says, “It’s better to look good than to be good.” Winky and Ed looked great!

Mickey Dalton put down his banjo and picked up a mallet. He also had the good fortune to be paired with the elegant Judith Sear. They won their quadrant. Wiley Warren Miller taught her novice partner Cliff Scholz well. With a glint in both their eyes, they raised their quadrant trophies.

Energizer Bunny Dave Merrill taught new player Susan Scholz so well that they won a quadrant. University of Pennsylvania charmer Jake Merrill played with Karen Kaufman.

Richard Dimmitts asked his high school aged partner Maggie Merrill to be in charge of their strategy. Maggie said she knew how to do that because she was used to listening to her dad (Dave Merrill).

Sometimes it’s not all about winning and sisters Hope and Molly Shiverick decided that they wanted to play together and have fun. So did their cousin Sally King who played with Caroline Davis. Sometimes you can do both. Hope and Molly won a quadrant. Then there was the team of Brian McColgan and Suzie Browne who lost with enough panache to win the Losers Left Over Trophy.

After a picnic lunch with hamburgers and hotdogs, homemade ice cream sandwiches, and an OPEN bar, Blog Man Craig Ligibel and The Lady, former 9 Wicket Champ Linda O’Connell, met on the sand to play the California Kid Tor Carlson and The Croquet Peacock Karen Albert.

For a while the Championship game could have gone either way, but unbeknownst to all, The California Kid is a croquet strategist. The Peacock made the great shots and Tor directed the play to a victory. In the Useppa tradition, next year, they will defend their championship against all comers.

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