The Hite Site
by David Hite


While working through level four, the opportunity for many performance responsibilities should emerge: auditions for solo chair positions at school, solo and ensemble contests, scholarship auditions, talent shows, and solos in band and orchestra concerts. Summer enrichment programs, music festivals and regional band-orchestra chairs should be pursued.

Continuation of private study is important to effectively focus on detailed preparations for solo appearances, contests and auditions. If possible, a professional level instrument should be obtained to attain the best in sound, intonation and technique. An interest in mouthpieces, better reeds and the skill of adjusting reeds should continue to evolve.

More extensive listening habits should be developed. Following good music radio stations, learning the classical orchestral repertoire, learning about great composers, and identifying music periods and jazz styles will cultivate high performance standards and ambitions.

Technique basics
  • Develop more sophisticated tonal concepts and control: a vibrato that is a natural part of the tone, not an addition to it, natural use of dynamic flexibility, and awareness of perfect intonation. Observe the effects of mouthpieces, instruments, reeds, rooms, halls, recording techniques and geographic location on tonal voicing.
  • Use acquired techniques to create a mood experience for the listener. Avoid lackluster mechanical playing.
  • Sight-read music of an appropriate level with fluency.
  • Prepare and maintain good reeds.
  • Perform major solo works by memory.
  • Begin study of extended pitch range above high F.
Theory basics
  • Understand the cycle of major and minor scales.
  • Know and perform the chromatic, diminished and whole-tone scales. Begin work on performing scales in intervals.
  • Aurally and visually identify all intervals within the octave, and learn to sing these intervals from a given pitch.
  • Sight sing unfamiliar melodies.
  • Routinely study assignments without the instrument before practice, analyzing each etude as to key, scale and chord patterns, phrases, tempos rhythms, alternate fingerings, etc.

Study Guide:
Level 3
Etudes & repertoire
for this level
The Hite Site
Study Guide:
Level 5

THE HITE SITE, designed and maintained by Jean Hite.    Comments to:
All contents copyright © 1997, David Hite, Inc.    All rights reserved.
Revised: March 5, 1997    URL: