863 494 4114


ZONING AND SITE PLAN - Any property that is put to a new or different use requires zoning verification and approval.


Q. What are the development requirements for a site that has existing buildings and parking?

A.  When a new use is proposed on an existing site, all current requirements apply.

Off -Street Parking.  Paved off-street parking is required for all development. At least 400 sq. ft. of  paved area is required for each parking space  (10' x 20', plus maneuvering area). The number of parking spaces required depends on the land use activity.

Sidewalks - A 5 ft wide concrete sidewalk is required along all streets.

Driveways - Shall be located no closer than 150' from any intersecting streets, or 2/3 of the lot frontage. Driveway access shall be not closer than 15ft. from any adjacent property lines. Culverts are required where drainage swales exist. No driveway shall be less than 10 ft wide.

Landscaping - a landscaped, maintained buffer is required.

Water Retention - The site plan shall be in accordance with Southwest Florida Management District and Florida Department of Transportation storm-water permitting requirements. Generally a building over 5000 sq ft in size, or a parking area of 4000 sq. ft. in size,  will require retention structures engineered to  SWFWMD or FDOT requirements. Further info, Daryl Flatt, SWFWMD 941-486-1212

Water and Sewer Services - Applications for City water and sewer service are made at the Water Department located at City Hall (863-494-3678). Charges are based on Equivalent Residential Connections (ERDs). Current rates are: water - $482.5, sewer - $636.00. ERC charges do not include account deposits.